The Betrayers
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Post  Avatryne Wed Feb 06, 2008 6:01 am

Ok guys, from now on i expect EVERYONE who steps foot into the guilds raids to understand the following.

Knowlege of what it is you will be doing

This isnt deadmines ladies and gentlemen, the bosses here have tactics. Now it takes at least 10 minutes (if not longer) to explain a boss such as Aran to someone competantly. This is a waste of raid time, and stops the flow of a good progression.

You ***MUST MUST MUST*** read the guide on the bosses..all of least once.

Many wipes can be avoided if the whole group know what to do and why they do it.

A simple, easy and interesting guide to kara can be found at wiki

If you have read the guide and still do not understand, go to Youtube, watch someone actually do it in front of your very own eyes!!!


If you come to kara unrepaired then you truely are a complete muppet. We all forget once in a while, but knowinly accepting that summon without getting your armor to 100% is truely idiotic. Repair bots will be taken to the raids if we have an engineer with us, but dont expect us to pop one out just for you becasue your armor is red after one wipe.

Potions, Elixers, Food and Drinks

You must have the appropriate consumables either already on your person, or already ordered with ciccone/frozzy BEFORE you get into the instance. It is not only time consuming to have them created there, but also unfair on the guilds herbalists. It takes 2 mintues to go to the AH or whisper an order. Only in the most DIRE of circumstances (replacements for example, or on a long run if say you run out) should you request more of the above.


The most important thing here...

KTM/Omen threat meter

I cannot stress enough how important this is. Get it, use it, learn at what point you need to hold your agro back. I wont say too much more about this, because quite honestly if you are thinking about raiding without are a nub...and shall be ejected immediatly from the raid group untill you have downloaded it...this is NOT optional.

Also required is

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods

It lets you know when you are too close to someone in say, curator.

It announces attacks on fight like aran

It gives you a pizza timer!!!

It is the second most usefull addon after a threat meter for raiding, and is very easy to opperate.

Guild Calender

Allows me to see who is signed up for raids, and to tell you times, places, specific dungeons etc. This will make my job a whole lot easier so...once is compulary..

They are the absolute minimum requirements. Each class has its own raiding addons that i shant list here, but do some research find out what is most beneficial to you and use it to your advantage. Both of those addons can be found at

A positive attitude and a whole lot of focus

One of the most important things when raiding is to keep group moral up. People with the following sorts of comments;

"hurry up, come on pull, i dont have all day!"

"pfft this is stupid, we cant do this"

"Whens the boss....i dont know what to long till the long till the epix..."


"Fuck this...i CBA...kkthxbb"

and so on and so forth...keep it to yourself. If you have an issue...whisper me or a raid assist. Dont bring it up to the whole raid.

If you have a problem with someone, tell me.

If you need to know about anything concerning the raid and its bosses, tell me.

If you think you have to leave after two more tries on the boss, tell me.

Brining these things up in /raid only causes more tention, pressure and aggravation, so please try and deal with them outside of the channel and keep /raid for fun, happy, friendly chat.

Dont be afraid to say if you dont understand something, or if something is going wrong...but keep it in /w or at least try and keep an upbeat attitude about it.


After we down a boss with our imbah skills I will loot, and i will ask all needers to roll.

This means

The right class
The right spec
The right top armor proficiency

If DPS leather drops, rogues get priority over say hunters. I dont want to hear "oh but its so much better then what i have/ the attack power is imba/i only have a green" the item is geared for a certain class/classes and they will have priority on the need rolls.

If noone needs the item is then opened up to greed, that is anyone who can not only use it..but actually put it to use.

So i for example would have no reasoning whatsoever for rolling on a staff, yes i CAN wield it...but it will be of no actual use.

If noone inthe raid has any use for an item it goes to DE and i will raid roll on it. This means i will roll /roll 1-10, it will randomly generate me a number and i will assign that number to the corrisponding person on MY raid interface.

Now i know that sometimes that will differ to what is on your screen. But we have to go by someones screen, and as i am master looter it makes sence that it is me. I dont want to see random rolls appear on my screen when i say the word "DE" it is annoying and distracting, and a little patience will get you far.

Loot Priority

I would like to bring in a new rule on the Tier drops only, that guild members only can roll on them. So any friends or pugs that we happen to bring along, will NOT be able to roll on the T4 gloves or shoulders that drop in kara. If a person raids with us regularly (lauron for example at the moment) then it is at the raid leaders and raid assists decision if that person is allowed to roll or not, and that decision will be made BEFORE the boss engagement.

Anyone who has clearly not read this will be removed from the raid untill they have. This is for the guilds interests, and if we all folow these guidelines im sure we will be clearing weekly in no time.

Last edited by on Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:37 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 68
Join date : 2008-01-08
Age : 38
Location : Birmingham, UK

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Post  Ciccone Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:12 am

Thank you Ava you big bloody star thing! This has been needed for quite a while and to be completely honest I don't mind not raiding one day because members don't know the tactics. I'd rather take two days - one without raiding and a second where all tactics are known and known well to down one boss rather than 4 or 5 days with people coming into the encounter clueless as to what to do.

Ava isn't posting this because she is mean or horrible, doesn't want you to raid, thinks your cloak is nabbish etc but rather because if we can't get tactics and knowledge sorted then theres no way we'll down Prince, Netherspite etc never mind make it onto Gruul and World Bosses.

I know this is mainly an RP guild and for a lot of you thats whats your priority but certain members (read Cicc) would love to see some PvE progression even if that means clearing Kara and the thing is, if I wanted to, I could easily bugger off and join another guild and do it with them but, and heres the funny thing, I like you guys (crazy I know) and whan to do it with you.
Downing Prince in Recoil for example would not feel as good as downing Prince in The Betrayers. Now, all of you are intelligent people, you've got the gear to clear Kara so lets get a bit organized and finish this place.

I want a screenshot of the guild NAKED in front of the corpse of Nightbane in the next 2 weeks. One of Prince would be nice as well. And maybe one of just me and Fermin in Moonglade under the stars...

Last edited by on Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 127
Join date : 2008-01-08
Age : 34
Location : Glasgow / St. Andrews; Scotland

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Post  Ciccone Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:14 am

Avatryne wrote:
It gives you a pizza timer!!!


Posts : 127
Join date : 2008-01-08
Age : 34
Location : Glasgow / St. Andrews; Scotland

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Post  Fermin Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:00 pm

Ciccone wrote:Thank you Ava you big bloody star thing! This has been needed for quite a while and to be completely honest I don't mind not raiding one day because members don't know the tactics. I'd rather take two days - one without raiding and a second where all tactics are known and known well to down one boss rather than 4 or 5 days with people coming into the encounter clueless as to what to do.

Ava isn't posting this because she is mean or horrible, doesn't want you to raid, thinks your cloak is nabbish etc but rather because if we can't get tactics and knowledge sorted then theres no way we'll down Prince, Netherspite etc never mind make it onto Gruul and World Bosses.

I know this is mainly an RP guild and for a lot of you thats whats your priority but certain members (read Cicc) would love to see some PvE progression even if that means clearing Kara and the thing is, if I wanted to, I could easily bugger off and join another guild and do it with them but, and heres the funny thing, I like you guys (crazy I know) and what to do it with you.
Downing Prince in Recoil for example would not feel as good as downing Prince in The Betrayers. Now, all of you are intelligent people, you've got the gear to clear Kara so lets get a bit organized and finish this place.

I want a screenshot of the guild NAKED in front of the corpse of Nightbane in the next 2 weeks. One of Prince would be nice as well. And maybe one of just me and Fermin in Moonglade under the stars...

I want that so bad it makes me cry. Crying or Very sad DAMN YOU ARAN!! Why won't you let our love grow!?


Posts : 28
Join date : 2008-01-17
Age : 40
Location : London

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