The Betrayers
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2 kara i crazy?!

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2 kara i crazy?! Empty 2 kara i crazy?!

Post  Avatryne Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:06 pm

Ok so, weve progressed through kara and are currently at the last two bosses. Within a week or so im hoping those meanie dragons will be Ko'd with me and ciccone flexing naked in front of them.

So what now? Well we have waaaaay more people then we need for one 10 man team to have kara on farm. Especially DPS i find myself having to turn half the guild away for pew pew spots.

So..i netherspite and nightbane are dead we do as thus.

The current "team imbah" split. 5 in each as much as that means we will miss out of raiding with our motley crue means the guild will be able to push forward. Two teams with 5 experienced karavaners in each group, and 5 people new to raiding, or simply new to raiding the betrayers way.

This means we can have 20 people geared up much faster and thus can smack grull over the head in a much quicker capacity.

We have enough tanks, and more then enough DPS...i just think we need a few more healers (as though our current healers are super imbah and very yummy, other then ciccone we seem to switch about for the other spots due to silly IRL getting in the way) and we will be set.

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2 kara i crazy?! Empty Re: 2 kara i crazy?!

Post  Mitsune Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:11 pm

No offence but i just have to say this..
from my view ppl in guild are too swallowed by this kara raids and all day long in guild chat its kara kara kara zomg!!!!
i understand that its big and takes alot of time/work.. its almost always same group who goes to kara so 2 groups is a great idea..
but what about us who are not attuned yet? i feel that we no longer exist, is this guild turning into 100% raiding and screw those under lvl 70 and no attunement?
I've been around in this guild for a long time and im happy for shanu who finally succeded to build up a raid guild, but i also feel that i no longer fit in here anymore.. omg we love mit blah blah.. ya -.- i hear that alot, i even got plans to quit wow or atleast quit on this server (which im too lazy for to do anyway o.O) but feel even more that its time for me to walk my own path and solo most of my time since mit is not really in need of a guild.
and as i said, no offence to anyone.. time change and the guild is not like it used to be, i always had a hard time accepting major changes anyway Neutral

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2 kara i crazy?! Empty Re: 2 kara i crazy?!

Post  Fermin Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:10 pm

I think Mit makes a valid point. The people who are karavaning all the time, when they aren't in Kara should make it a priority to help out non-attuned members. I think levelling to 70 is your responsibility - it's really not that hard to do alone or with pugs - but getting people attuned benefits the guild. As we don't currently have 25 people in Kara, how will we ever move on?

I also wanted to say two things on the two-group idea. Firstly I think it's great, and necessary, but I think careful consideration needs to be taken on who is in what group. Obviously for balance's sake - one group finishing Kara is better than two not - but I'm referring more to drops. Say for Cuartaor's tier 4 gloves. We need to make sure there is always someone who will benefit from one of the three drops in eace group. That will speed up guild gearing immensely.

Developing that point, until we commence 'two-group-therory' (Avatryne 2008, patent pending) we should be subbing in players at bosses they need drops from. Again using Curator as an example: Knarg should perhaps be swapped out for the next one as he benefits least from it having already got the t4.

Secondly I just need to go heroic Sethekk and Shattered to be able to summon Nightbane now. If some guildys help me do that we'll have three that can (I think Fel and Shel are other two). That makes it more likely to have two groups summon him, and means we don't have to split the Fel/Shel love! Knarg and I went back before the soft reset and used each other as bait to speak to the quest-givers. You should have seen the two of us - naked to save our gear - being chased by elementals and concubines around Kara! Those stupid bugged ones at Curator were still there!

Sorry for the long post guys, I'm just trying to be constructive. And congratulations to the team last night. I had a great time and although slow at first we got our act together and downed 7/10 bosses - with the super-simple chess event still to do! That gives us six days to down two bosses, should be enough easily.

Much love to all, and have a super-wonderful, wicked-awesome, mega-fantastic day! xxx


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2 kara i crazy?! Empty Re: 2 kara i crazy?!

Post  Ciccone Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:07 pm

Any time that I'm not farming herbs or in Kara and you see me online, give me a whisper and yell "attunement" at me. This is one of my priorities at the moment but really those guild members needing to be attuned should be complaining and whining and pestering and bugging and annoying us in /g. Do that and we'll come or at least I certainly will.

I think before we diverge into two Kara teams, we should run with Fermin's idea of switching and swapping. We build up a good team to quickly clear the trash and then have guildies that need the gear on standby in Kara ready to switch in on the easier boss fights. An example of which is that I need nothing from Huntsmen (other than my druid mount) or Moroes so I could be switched for any other member on Huntsman or a different healer on Moroes. This method would allow the current "Team Imba" (>.>) to continue getting the gear we need Ciccone's T4 hat as priority and yet get the newer members geared and experienced in the bosses before we split into two teams. You saw how well we did in Kara last night so how about at the bosses that won't benefit certain members we switch people around?

I think this is a good idea until Ciccone has his T4 hat we are all properly geared to split into two teams.

Fantastic Fermin is right, subbing is the way to go before a full divergence.

If we do run with the divergence idea, the only two pieces of loot I really need are from Opera and Prince. I'm happy to bow out from any other boss fight to help guildies.

Oh, and Ava, you make it sound like I have no life - I'm just too skint to go out drinking at the moment!

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Age : 34
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